Nancy Connery heads up “Commercial Lease Law Roundup 2014" on December 10, 2014

Nancy Connery reprised her 2011 Commercial Lease Law Roundup program on December 10, 2014 for the New York State Bar Association’s Commercial Leasing Committee. Nancy, together with Ariel Colangelo, collected, analyzed and discussed approximately 20 commercial leasing cases decided in 2014, covering such topics as demolition clauses, lease renewals, tenant rights in a landlord bankruptcy, and lease vs. license issues.

Nancy A. Connery Speaks at the New York State Bar Association Real Property Law Section’s Annual Meeting

On January 27, 2011, Nancy Connery spoke at the New York State Bar Association Real Property Law Section’s Annual Meeting. She gave a general overview of commercial lease cases decided in 2010. The cases involved a wide variety of issues, including lease guaranties, the voluntary payment doctrine, constructive eviction, Rule against Perpetuities, and much more! To read her summary of the cases, click here: Commercial Lease Law Roundup 2010.

Related Attorney: Nancy A. Connery

Firm Obtains Summary Judgment in SDNY Employment Discrimination and Retaliation Case

On June 21, 2013, Judge Alvin Hellerstein in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York granted defendants’ motion for summary judgment in its entirety in favor of Firm client the City University of New York (“CUNY”), Queens College, and various university officials.

The plaintiff, a current university employee, brought claims under Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act alleging that he was discriminated against because of his Italian-American national origin and a disability and that he was retaliated against for his alleged advocacy and affirmative action work on behalf of Italian-Americans at CUNY.

Beth Kaufman represented all defendants from the beginning of the case through the successful summary judgment motion that resulted in the dismissal of the case.

Norman L. Greene appointed to the Board of the American Bar Association’s Rule of Law Initiative

Norman L. Greene has been appointed to the Board of the American Bar Association’s Rule of Law Initiative. The ABA Rule of Law Initiative (ABA ROLI) is an international development program that promotes the rule of law by working with in-country partners to build sustainable institutions and societies that deliver justice, foster economic opportunity and ensure respect for human dignity.
Today, ABA ROLI implements legal reform programs in roughly 60 countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe and Eurasia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Middle East and North Africa. ABA ROLI has roughly 700 professional staff working in the United States and abroad, including a cadre of short- and long-term expatriate volunteers who, since the program’s inception, have contributed more than $200 million in pro bono technical legal assistance.
Related Attorney: Norman L. Greene

Norman L. Greene Presented Eleanor Jackson Piel with its Norman Redlich Capital Defense Lifetime Achievement Award

In July, 2013, Norman L. Greene, past Chair of the NYC Bar Association’s Committee on Capital Punishment, presented Eleanor Jackson Piel with its Norman Redlich Capital Defense Lifetime Achievement Award, at an award ceremony held at the Bar Association in July 2013. James W. B. Benkard also was given the Committee’s Norman Redlich Capital Defense Pro Bono Award. The award was named after the former Dean of New York University School of Law who was a leading opponent of capital punishment. The ceremony also featured remarks by the award recipients, by Carey Dunne, president of the Bar Association, and by former New York Chief Judge Judith Kaye. A fuller account of the ceremony and the nature of the award appears at
Related Attorney: Norman L. Greene

Second Circuit Affirms Defense Verdict

The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit recently affirmed the dismissal of an employment discrimination case against Columbia University. The claims had been pursued for nearly 20 years. After a successful defense in a trial before the New York State Division of Human Rights, the claims were dismissed on the merits. A Right to Sue letter was issued and pursuit of the claims de novo in the Southern District resulted in a defense verdict after full discovery and a week long jury trial. A motion for a new trial was denied. The result in the district court was affirmed and the appeal dismissed on July 3, 2012. Charles B. Updike tried the case and briefed and argued it in the Court of Appeals.

Firm Closes a Series of Commercial Real Estate Transactions

In 2011-2012, the Firm was involved in the closings of the following commercial real estate transactions:

  • a consensual transfer of property in settlement of post-maturity mortgage and mezzanine debt (representing lender and new owner)
  • a $34+ million deed of trust loan secured by two multi-family residential buildings in northern California (representing lender)
  • a $53 million deed of trust loan secured by an office building in California (representing lender)
  • the negotiation and documentation of a loan severance, modification and forbearance agreement with respect to an $85 million secured loan and the discounted pay-off and refinancing of the same to a new property owner (representing existing lender and new lender)
  • a $1.15 billion revolving credit loan facility to a real estate fund (representing lender participant)
  • multiple note sales (representing lender)
  • multiple commercial leases
  • multiple sales

Practice Area: Real Estate